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inward concentration中文是什么意思

用"inward concentration"造句"inward concentration"怎么读"inward concentration" in a sentence


  • 安神祖窍


  • Dr. bledsoe sat with a benign smile of inward concentration .
  • Now , i am in love with " silent tears , " because it can calm my restless and whimsical mind and increase my inward concentration when i meditate
  • At least during meditation , we should forsake all these things so that were able to concentrate better inside ; because only inward concentration will bring us liberation , happiness and peace
  • Inward concentration and focus are mentioned as key elements of a successful meditation practice . one article even provides basic steps in teaching oneself how to meditate , which include finding a quiet place to eliminate distractions and thus enhance concentration , closing the eyes so the brain can stop actively processing information from the senses , and repeating a soothing sound , in this case a meaningful word or phrase to help one focus
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